Where should I store my razor? Do you have a razor holder?
The name of the game is to keep your razor in a safe, dry place to avoid blade degradation, and we have just the shaving accessories to help you out with that. Shower shaver? Check out our Razor Shower Hanger to complement your everyday grooming routine. Shaving by the sink? Use our Razor Stand to proudly (and safely!) display your razor between shaves.
With a razor holder, you can keep your razor within reach in your bathroom, rather than hidden away and hard to find when you need it. More importantly, you can rest assured that the blades will air-dry completely between shaves, keeping them sharp and clean.
Not all razor holders and stands are created equal, and a lot of them don’t add any style to your bathroom. The Dollar Shave Club razor stand is made of stylish, premium die-cast alloy and has a non-slip base, so you can securely store your razor upright or down flat near your sink, right where you need it.
Prefer to keep your razor in the shower? We’ve got you covered with the DSC shower hanger that attaches to your shower wall with a suction cup — so simple yet so effective.
How should I travel with my razor and shaving gear?
The best way to safely travel with all of your Dollar Shave Club grooming goodness is with our Traveler Dopp Kit. It's durable, water-resistant, and big enough to hold all of the shaving accessories you could possibly need.
If you're bringing your razor too, check out our Razor Cover. It'll keep your razor protected and dry while you're on the road, and it'll keep your fingertips safe too.
How do I protect my blade from getting wet? Do you have a razor case?
Once you’ve found the best razor for you that has actually made shaving a pleasure and not a chore, it’s time to find a high-quality case that will keep it clean and secure when you’re at home or on the go. A stylish and durable case will hold your razor, trimmer, and accessories, keeping everything in one place.
The Dollar Shave Club Traveler travel case will keep moisture out with a water-resistant waxed canvas, and is big enough to pack all of the essential shaving accessories that you want to have while away from home.