Why Do I Get Groin Stank No Matter How Much I Shower?

That yeasty, sweaty smell is not your fault. Well... not entirely your fault.

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Why Do I Get Groin Stank No Matter How Much I Shower?


Guys can put up with a lot of mildly irritating stuff: Hair that inexplicably grows on our toes (and ears, and out of our noses); shaving our faces 20,000 times (on average) in our lifetimes; and, of course, a crotch area that, no matter how much we soap up, scrub out, and rinse off in the shower, still kinda smells like hot garbage by the end of the day. Or, at the very least, sweaty balls.

But why? Why should we put up with a stinky crotch? After all, it’s not like we don’t work incessantly to keep it clean. So why does it not reward us with the smell of fresh laundry, a rose garden in spring, or a bakery right after the hot-crossed buns come out of the oven? For real — we’re, uh, having guests over later, so it’d be nice to figure this out.

Unfortunately, according to the professionals, it’s not your fault your crotch smells. Well, it’s kind of your fault, but we’ll rectify that in a second.


First off, why does it smell in the first place?

“The most common cause of odor coming from that area is the action of bacteria on sebum,” explains Dr. Robert Brodell, Chairman of the Department of Dermatology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

“The other major cause is what I’m going to call a ‘yeast infection.’ We call it intertrigo. That’s when you have a warm, moist area that’s perfect for fungal growth, a.k.a. yeast. Imagine you’re in a brewery — that’s what it’ll smell like.”

Understanding the Science Behind Groin Sweat and Odor

To translate all that doctor-speak into something you can actually understand, the biggest cause of a stinky groin is the sheer number of sweat glands found on your crotch. As those glands do their thing, the sweat they churn out attracts hungry bacteria. On top of all that, your pants and underwear provide a comfy, inviting atmosphere for tiny creatures that love darkness and warmth.

We hope that makes you feel just a bit better. After all, it’s not because you’re not putting in the effort to keep the area clean; it’s just that you’re going up against some very determined microorganisms dead-set on staying where they’re at, and stinking up your crotch

So what can you do? Let’s talk bacteria first.

How Sweat Leads to Odor

This might seem pretty straightforward — sweat stinks, right? But like every biological mystery, things are a little more complicated than they might seem.

That’s because many of the glands in your crotch aren’t normal sweat glands; they’re apocrine glands, which produce an even muskier type of sweat. To bacteria and yeast, that smells like victory. And when bacteria munch on that extra special sweat, they produce even more nasty scents.

The only thing bacteria love more than your stinkiest sweat? A damp, dark environment. That means your musty post-workout undies are basically a three-story mansion in the eyes of bacteria.

Common Causes of Persistent Groin Odor

With all that in mind, we can identify the most common causes of crotch stank that just won’t quit. Since bacteria love moisture, one obvious potential cause is failing to dry off completely after a shower. If you hop out of the shower, “air dry”, and immediately put on a fresh pair of underwear and carry on with your day, we’re talking to you.

Even if you never forget to towel off after a shower, you could still be setting the stage for a tiny bacteria theater in your pants without realizing it. Your underwear could be the issue, and we’re not talking about whether you prefer boxers or briefs.

Wearing undies that are too tight or made from synthetic fabrics makes it impossible for your crotch sweat to evaporate, creating a stinky cess pool for your microscopic enemies to play in. And as we’ve mentioned, the quickest road to a stinky groin is an overgrowth of bacteria or fungi (because jock itch is actually a fungus, the more you know).

But not every cause of a smelly crotch is so easy to spot. Hormonal changes, overactive sweat glands (also called hyperhidrosis), diet, stress levels, and even certain medical conditions like diabetes can all contribute to a persistent odor.

How To Prevent It: Effective Solutions To Stay Fresh and Odor-Free

Upgrading Your Hygiene Routine

We know what you’re thinking — I already know how to keep myself clean. But you might be making a few pretty easy-to-miss mistakes that hold you back from being your most hygienic self.

Again, follow up your shower by thoroughly drying off to avoid making new microscopic friends.

Choosing the Right Products

While you’re shopping for an antibacterial body wash, there are a few things you might want to add to your list. We’ve already mentioned the importance of switching to breathable, moisture-wicking underwear, preferably made from natural fibers.

If that’s not enough to keep sweat from collecting around your balls, you can always try a talc-free body powder or a deodorant made specifically for your crotch.

Lifestyle Adjustments

If sweaty balls are a recurring problem and you’ve already tried the suggestions above, you might need to take a hard look at your lifestyle. Although they’re not the most common cause of a stinky crotch, lifestyle factors — like whether you drink enough water or maintain a healthy diet — can contribute to a persistent stench.

But you don’t have to take our word for it; here are our expert’s top tips.

“Number one: You try to keep the area clean and dry,” says Brodell. 

Well, yeah, you’re already doing that, right? Brodell says that you probably (hopefully!) are — you just aren’t doing it as thoroughly as you could. And by thorough, he means breaking out the tools.

“I’d recommend using an antibiotic soap. There are also prescriptions you can get, like Hibiclens. Hibiclens is used to scrub off in operating rooms for doctors, but you can use it in the shower. Then, use a hairdryer on its lowest setting and dry really well once you’re clean to kill the bacteria that make the odor. And then I’d recommend using a drying powder.” (Always look for talc-free drying powders, as studies have found links between talc and various forms of cancer.)

Product Spotlight: Dollar Shave Club Essentials

Feeling overwhelmed by just the idea of all this shopping? That’s why we exist. We’ve already formulated several products to solve the exact problems we’re talking about:

  • Ball Spray: Our deodorant spray made for groins is less messy than powder and made without potential carcinogens like talc and synthetic dyes.

  • Club Series Body Shaver Handle: Made specifically for your most comfortable body shave, this razor handle won’t slip out of your hands no matter how sudsy things get. Plus, it’s so comfy you might want one for face shaves, too.

  • Shave Butter, Cream, and Gel: While you’re perfecting your below-the-belt shave game, you’ll want to invest in a shave aid that moisturizes your groin and prevents ingrown hairs from developing in the absolute worst place possible. Sensitive shavers should stick with our hefty Shave Gel or protective Shave Cream, while those prone to ingrown body hairs and razor bumps might prefer our smooth Shave Butter.

  • Double Header Electric Trimmer: Not shaving to the skin? No problem. Keep your face trimmer and your groin trimmer where they belong: apart. This multitasker has one specialized head for your face, and one for your nether regions. 

What if It's Something More Serious? When To Seek Professional Help

If you’ve upgraded your grooming and shaving routine, underwear collection, and even your diet, and none of that seems to be making a difference in the stench coming off your balls, it might be time to ask a doctor for help.

Let’s be clear: The vast majority of cases of stanky groin are caused by the simple stuff we’ve already talked about, like wearing too-tight underwear or failing to towel off after a shower or workout. But if you’re dealing with more than just a less-than-pleasant stench and noticing additional symptoms like persistent itching or swollen skin, you might need a more heavy-duty solution.

Balls that both stink and itch like hell are usually signs of Tinea cruris (jock itch). Ask a doctor for a prescription-strength antifungal to clear that up. If you’re seeing swelling and redness, too, it could be an allergic reaction to something you’re using to clean your skin or clothes, like your laundry detergent or body wash.

And if it’s a yeast or fungal infection? “Don’t use a drying powder where starch is an ingredient,” Brodell recommends.

“The problem with starches is that some experts think that yeast fungus can eat starch. You could also use a broad-spectrum antifungal cream — prescription ketoconazole would be an example — to kill the yeast.

And so, you'd clean and dry, maybe after you used your antibiotic soap to kill bacteria, dry with a hairdryer. Then, you've put on some topical antifungal cream to kill the yeast. Then dry a little more with the hairdryer on a cold setting, and then use your powder because yeast, much like bacteria, loves a warm, moist area like a jungle and doesn't like a desert.”

Conclusion: Stay Cool and Confident

If we’re being honest, out-of-control groin stank can be uncomfortable and even embarrassing. But now that you’re armed with all the info you need to fight back, it’s just a matter of time until your crotch is just as clean and sweet-smelling as the rest of you. 

And if you don’t want to let a little bacteria stand between you and a close, comfortable shave, we recommend exploring our extensive line of ball-friendly shave gear and fan-favorite razors. You can even skip the hassle of deciding which products are best for you by signing up for our easy, breezy shaving subscription. We’ll help you out with what you need.

If you’ve been struggling with a stubbornly smelly groin, remember not to be too hard on yourself. After all, who knew you needed more than some body wash and a towel?