Why Do My Balls Always Seem to Itch Something Fierce?
It’s probably nothing to worry about. Probably.

Why Do My Balls Always Seem To Itch Something Fierce?
There are a number of bodily functions that are so “always on” in the background that, unless you’re actively thinking about them, you probably wouldn’t even know they’re happening: Your heart beats, your lungs breathe, and, if you’re a man, your balls itch.
I mean, c’mon guys, tell me you’ve never been sitting on the couch or lying in bed, and you suddenly realize your hand is halfway down your pants, itching away like you’ve got a winning scratch off. It happens to the best of us.
But why? There are plenty of other body parts in dark, moist places that don’t itch at random points of the day, ad infinitum. (Lookin’ at you, armpits.) What, then, is so special (or, uh, decidedly un-special) about the crotch region?
Common Causes of Itchy Balls
If you’re tired of constantly asking yourself, “Why do my balls itch?” you’re in luck. We’re about to answer this (probably) age-old question.
Sweat & Moisture Buildup
The most likely culprit for the omnipresent itch is also the most obvious: sweat. Unlike the moisture-wicking shirts you wear when heading to the gym or just going out on a particularly hot day, your underwear probably isn’t specially crafted to pull sweat away from your family jewels. And wherever sweat goes, itching is bound to follow.
That means you can likely blame your tight, heat-trapping undies for that unpleasant itch. But don’t take that as permission to go commando full-time: There are plenty of types of underwear that can help you manage your crotch sweat without making everything worse. (More on that below.)
Improper Hygiene
As you might guess, improper hygiene can aggravate your itch by allowing even more sweat to build up on your balls. Luckily, keeping everything clean down there is easier than you might think.
The key is showering regularly, but not so often it dries your skin out. Pay special attention to all the folds and crevices around your sac when you shower. Oh, and using soap helps a lot, too.
Of course, the best advice is one you probably got from your mom ages ago: Change your underwear every day, no exceptions.
Fungal Infections (Jock Itch)
In most cases, switching up your shower routine and your underwear collection should be enough to ditch the itch. But if you’re keeping clean and still scratching, it might be time to consider less obvious causes.
There’s a fungus that loves to grow in warm, damp areas. Its scientific name is Tinea cruris, but you probably know it by its nickname, jock itch. While nobody wants a fungal infection in their groin, jock itch isn’t scary, and is totally treatable.
Usually, you can get jock itch to clear up on its own by paying closer attention to your hygiene habits. Showering after a workout is always a good idea, but it’s beneficial for guys dealing with symptoms of jock itch. If that’s not enough, you can visit a doctor to get a prescription antifungal cream that will fix the itch.
Dry Skin
Remember that thing we said earlier about not showering too often? Dry skin is one potential downside of going too hard on your personal hygiene.
Although soap is essential to getting clean, many cheaper body washes will also leave you dried out and primed for another itchy evening. To avoid worsening your problem instead of solving it, try not to shower more than twice a day unless absolutely necessary.
When you do shower, choose a hydrating body wash or use a moisturizer after you dry off, or both, if you have especially dry skin. This is even more important after a below-the-belt shave.
Managing the Most Common Causes of Itchy Balls
You don’t have to take our word for all this: We’ve turned to Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, board-certified urologist and chief of surgery at Orlando Health South Lake Hospital in Florida, for an expert perspective.
“[Jock itch] might be completely normal if you think of the skin on the scrotum as you think of any other skin on your body,” explains Brahmbhatt. “You could have itching from dryness, or it could be a bug bite or irritation from maybe using the wrong laundry detergent, for example.”
That said, Brahmbhatt adds that the most common cause of basic crotch itch is a fungal yeast infection. “This can be from poor hygiene or excess sweating,” he says. “Regularly bathing and keeping the area dry and appropriately moisturized can help prevent cases.”
Less Common But Serious Causes
If you suspect, however, that your itch isn’t of the basic variety — maybe there are associated changes to the skin in the area, like redness or pain — then it might be a sign of something more serious.
Here’s how to recognize some of the trickier causes of constant scratching.
Allergic Reactions
Some guys can get away with using any old body wash or discount detergent, but not those with sensitive skin. If your groin region is itchy and swollen, or if hives or itchy rashes start popping up on other parts of your body, you’re most likely dealing with an allergic reaction.
If this sounds familiar, you could be reacting to the fabric your underwear is made of, the laundry detergent you use, or the products you use to clean or shave your body. Try switching to hypoallergenic alternatives one at a time until you figure out the cause of your reaction (and if that doesn’t work, ask a doctor for help).
STIs and Other Infections
While not the most common cause of an itchy groin, you should know that some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can present as a persistent itch, among other symptoms.
“A severe itch can be related to an infection, especially when at the same time there may be some changes in the scrotal skin,” Brahmbhatt shares. “The most severe form of infection in the scrotum is something called Fournier gangrene, where you’d have way more symptoms than just an itch. On less likely occasions, it can be caused by STIs such as genital herpes, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.”
How To Prevent the Itch
Choosing the Right Underwear
Whether you’re a boxers guy or a briefs guy, look out for underwear made from breathable natural fabrics like cotton, wool, or bamboo. Many synthetic fabrics, like polyester and nylon, are marketed as “hydrophobic” but can be more suffocating for your body.
Daily Habits for Comfort
As we mentioned earlier, showering too often or too infrequently can both contribute to itchy balls. Aim for one shower per day, dry yourself thoroughly when you’re all done, and finish with a quality moisturizer. If that’s not enough, following up with talcum powder or anti-chafing creams applied directly to the crotch can get you a long way toward ditching the itch.
Proper Grooming & Shavings Tips
One major contributor to groin itch that we haven’t mentioned thus far is improper grooming, especially when it comes to shaving below the belt. Luckily, we’re known for knowing a thing or two about shaving.
One easy mistake to make is using the same razor, trimmer, or shave gel for a body shave that you’d use for a face shave. Your scrotum skin is even more sensitive than the skin on your face, so you’ll need to adjust your shaving routine accordingly.
That doesn’t mean you have to give up on getting a close shave down there. Just protect your sensitive sac with high-quality Shave Butter or Shave Cream.
Shaving Your Bits With Confidence
Want to skip the stress of hunting down the best razor and products for your bits? Our shaving subscription takes out all the hard parts and leaves you with what’s important: an easy shave. Upgrade your grooming routine to prevent itching and stay comfortable all day long.
Looking for even more good news? Brahmbhatt says that no matter what’s causing the itch down there, it’s rarely a sign of anything wrong internally.
And here you thought Fournier gangrene was without a silver lining.